To make an event Need to follow below steps..
1. Install plugin from
2. To display events as a calendar use the below short code..
3. If there is a requirement to display event as content go to below code...
$events = eo_get_events(array('numberposts'=>3,'tax_query'=>array( array(
'operator' => 'NOT IN',
$return= '';
foreach ($events as $event):
//Check if all day, set format accordingly
if( eo_is_all_day($event->ID) ){
$format = get_option('date_format');
$format = get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format');
$return .= snippet($event->post_content, 400)."<br>";
$return.='<a class="moretag" href="'. get_permalink($event->ID) . '"> More...</a><br>';
$return.="<span style='color:#FE8E1E'>".eo_format_date($event->StartDate.' '.$event->StartTime, $format)."</span>";
echo $return;
we can copy this where ever want to display. And add below code in functions.php file, because it will limit the content which is going to be displayed...
function snippet($text,$length=300,$tail="...") {
$text = trim($text);
$txtl = strlen($text);
if($txtl > $length) {
for($i=1;$text[$length-$i]!=" ";$i++) {
if($i == $length) {
return substr($text,0,$length) . $tail;
$text = substr($text,0,$length-$i+1) . $tail;
return $text;
blog great for me, its so beautiful tips given to me,
ReplyDeleteWordpress Development
Hi James,
DeleteThank you for your reply, it is given me boost to do my research more and helps you more.